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  • Tricia Anderson

Broken Tooth, Hidden Sin and other Maladies...

I hate the dentist. I really do. I hate the dentist more than I hate anything in this world. One time, I nursed a toothache until it was completely infected, and I had to be carried into the dentist office.

I have MAJOR anxiety every time I have to make a trip. I broke a tooth some years ago, and I've been tenderly caring for it to avoid the dentist ever since. I hate admitting this, because it just makes me feel gross. It makes me feel dirty and guilty. I swear that I brush and floss every day... I just don't go to the dentist.

About a month ago, I bit down on a mint in church, and I felt that poor tooth crumble. There is NOTHING more disconcerting than feeling tooth chips in your mouth. If you haven't ever experienced it, take my word for it.

I did what I'm best at. I ignored it. For a week. Until the pain set in. Finally, I let Cam peek in there. He confirmed my worst fear. It was broken. Really broken.

On my way to the dentist, I worked through my options. I was either going to need a root canal or an extraction. Both options sounded expensive and painful. I honestly considered turning around. The last thing I wanted was some strange man digging around in my mouth, confirming my fears, and treating my brokenness.

I prayed for some peace and calm, and as I drove toward The Hiram Center for Family Dentistry (which is awesomely swanky, btw.) Like He does in our times of crisis, God spoke to me.

My broken tooth was just like any of our favorite sins. We hide them in the back and nurse them. We don't speak about them, because to speak to them is to give them power. Have you ever had something in your life that you didn't want to admit to anyone? I have. You can avoid it for a time. You can hide it from your loved ones for a while... but eventually that sin will cause an infection that no one can clear up but Jesus.

Once you let that light in, it might still be painful, but you're on the road to recovery. The dentist might judge you, but Jesus doesn't. Jesus just loves. He doesn't want you to live life in pain and secret shame. He wants you to live life to the fullest and shine for Him!

Love you ladies!

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